
  • 蘋果Apple Music國區漲價

    精選 2023-12-09 01:00 發現相似文章

    12月8日,蘋果公司官網顯示,Apple Music國區上調訂閱價格,學生訂閱價格上漲1元至6元/月,個人訂閱價格上漲1元至11元/月,家庭訂閱價格上漲1元至17元/月。...

  • Apple TV+和Apple Music等流媒體服務漲價

    精選 2022-10-25 05:00 發現相似文章

    當地時間10月24日,蘋果公司提高了其流媒體服務Apple TV+和Apple Music在美國地區的訂閱費用,即日生效。這是該公司首次上調流媒體服務價格。蘋果將Apple Music的個人訂閱費用從9.99美元/月上調至10.99美元/月,這樣一來,Apple Music的價格超過了Spotify...

  • Google Music, Android 3 to launch before the holidays

    Seth Weintraub 2010-07-07 01:58 發現相似文章

    According to a report out of Israel, Google will launch its Google Music service alongside its Android 3.0 platform in either fall or winter this year...

  • 蘋果收購初創公司AI Music

    精選 2022-02-09 03:00 發現相似文章

    據彭博社報道,蘋果在近幾周內完成了對一家名為AI Music初創公司的收購,主要原因是這家公司成功開發了一種能夠使用人工智能獨立創作歌曲的產品。據悉,AI Music一直處于探索人工智能如何改變和適應人類與音樂的最前沿,甚至可以創作“適應用戶心跳”的歌曲。未來不難想象,蘋果將利用AI Music的尖...

  • What makes Apple so sticky

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-06-04 01:09 發現相似文章

    "Stickyness" is a term of art usually applied to websites like Facebook that keep visitors coming back for more.But it can also be applied to a softwa...

  • How Apple sliced its pie in 2009

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2009-10-29 11:27 發現相似文章

    Posted by Philip Elmer-DeWittThe Mac and iPod slices shrank between '08 and '09. iTunes grew a bit. iPhone grew a lot.Source: Company reportsSteve Job...

  • YouTube Music的這些員工緣何遭到火速開除?

    CHLOE BERGER AND IRINA IVANOVA 2024-04-15 04:30 發現相似文章

    2023年2月21日,杰克·本尼迪克特在德州奧斯丁市中心谷歌辦公室門前與示威游行大軍一道抗議。圖片來源:JAY JANNER-USA TODAY NETWORK在得知自己失去了YouTube Music的工作之后,杰克·本尼迪克特回到了辦公室,但只拿到了一個紙盒箱子,里面裝著一些個人物品,還是其工友...

  • Apple's iPad: The reviews are in

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-04-06 07:45 發現相似文章

    The first three reviews of Apple's (AAPL) tablet computer were posted Wednesday night — each, coincidentally, from newspapers that are developing thei...

  • Apple plays softball with Palm

    財富中文網 2009-07-20 10:26 發現相似文章

    By Philip Elmer-DeWittAs you may have heard, Apple (AAPL) on Wednesday pulled the plug on a much-hyped feature of the Palm Pre: its ability to sync se...

  • Why Apple won't buy Facebook

    Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-10-30 02:02 發現相似文章

    Or Disney, Yahoo, Adobe, Tivo, Netflix, EA or any of the big names tossed out last weekSource: AsymcoThe $51 billion in cash and marketable securities...

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